Sunday, April 21, 2013

What is Glutathione ?

Glutathione (GSH) is small molecule made of linked amino acids and anti-oxidant naturally produced in the body. 

It has been widely heralded for its importance for good health and long life. It is your body A.I.D (anti-oxidant, immune system, detoxifier).  

 It is small protein molecule formed from the amino acids cysteine, glyceine, & glutamic acid.

Glutathione is the Master Antioxidant.  It is known as the toxic waste neutralizer of the body.  It regulates the actions of lesser antioxidants such as vitamin C, and vitamin E within the body.  Very powerful water-soluble antioxidant.

Glutathione is a substance, the levels of which in our cells are predictive of how long we will live. It takes up and gives off hydrogen and is important in cellular respiration. A deficiency of glutathione can cause hemolysis (destruction of red blood cells, leading to anemia) and oxidative stress.