FAQ (English)

How long before I can see results in skin whitening ?
Averagely within 1 month of constant use of Glutathione but it’s subjected to individual as the metabolism rate between people differs.

Are the whitening effects permanent ? Will my skin tone go back to its original tone once I stop consuming Glutathione ?
Effect are permanent with the constant use of Glutathione, however if you were to stop consuming Glutathione the whitening effect will slowly diminish as your body is exposed to harmful toxins and UV rays.

Is Glutathione a drug ?
Glutathione is a food supplements and generally safe for consumption as a diet supplement. Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages as the presence of alcohol could cause your body to not absorb Glutathione capsule effectively.

Is there any side effects from long term use of Glutathione ?
There are no known side effects or interactions known with oral administration of Glutathione even in its prolonged use.

Is it better to take Glutathione on an empty stomach or with a meal ?
It is highly recommended that Glutathione is consumed before a meal to optimize absorption. If you are able to take Glutathione with Vitamin C would increase the absorption rate of L-glutathione.

Advisable dosage by doctors.
10-20mg per kilogram of body weight
50kg x 10mg = 500mg
Taking Glutathione with Vitamin C is said to maximize the skin whitening effect.