Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Why is Collagen necessary for youth and health ?

Collagen & Aging
The body’s production of collagen slows with aging. With aging, connective tissues and muscle tissues break down due to increased collagen deficiency and damage. Outside the body, it show’s on the skin when it starts to wrinkle and loses its youthful glow. Soon, skin loses elasticity and moisture.

Collagen & Sleep
Research proved that a large part of the essential metabolic work in the repair of the body takes place when we sleep. The ability to convert collagen into bio-digestible elements takes place while we sleep.

Collagen & Skin
When the production of collagen is slowing down, the skin retails less water, gets thinner and begins to wrinkle. The lack of collagen in the skin appears by thinning down. The skin then presents a bigger risk of developing wrinkles, stretch marks and infections. Its color and pigmentation change, and we can see brown spots appear.